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Best budget smartphones under $200 (summer 2015). Join us as we take a look at some of the best budget smartphones for under $200! the best allaround smartphone you can buy right now for under $200. .. There are two versions, the Global GSM for $120 and the US LTE for $150. of the phones except note 4 for price of 150 euros or 160170 dollars?

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Notebookcheck's Top 10 Smartphones under 120 Euros. Easy Connect. Here you will find the best smartphones under 120 Euros (~$130) reviewed by Notebookcheck over the last few months. Our list 

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Die 10 besten Smartphones unter 120 Euro. Hier finden Sie die besten Smartphones im Preisbereich unter 120 Euro im Test bei Notebookcheck. .. Best Value Award im Juni 2014 Motorola Moto E 

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The best budget smartphones Tech Daily. We roundup the top five budget smartphones you can get for under So here's our roundup of the best smartphones that you can buy for less 

Smartphones bis 150 Euro 5 Preiskracher mit Top. Bereits für weniger als 150 Euro erhaltet ihr Smartphones von Markenherstellern wie Samsung oder Microsoft. Netzwelt stellt euch die derzeit 5 

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